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created by Ginny Weasley
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 Do you think Harry Potter is going to die at the end?

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Do you think Harry Potter is going to die at the end?
He'll survive, he's "the boy who lived" !
Do you think Harry Potter is going to die at the end? Vote_lcap0%Do you think Harry Potter is going to die at the end? Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
He'll die, taking Voldemort with him...
Do you think Harry Potter is going to die at the end? Vote_lcap33%Do you think Harry Potter is going to die at the end? Vote_rcap
 33% [ 1 ]
I really don't have a clue for the moment...
Do you think Harry Potter is going to die at the end? Vote_lcap33%Do you think Harry Potter is going to die at the end? Vote_rcap
 33% [ 1 ]
We'll see...
Do you think Harry Potter is going to die at the end? Vote_lcap33%Do you think Harry Potter is going to die at the end? Vote_rcap
 33% [ 1 ]
Total des votes : 3

Ginny Weasley
Ginny Weasley

Nombre de messages : 255
Age : 39
Localisation: : Eyguières, Bouches du Rhone
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2006

Do you think Harry Potter is going to die at the end? Empty
MessageSujet: Do you think Harry Potter is going to die at the end?   Do you think Harry Potter is going to die at the end? EmptyDim 16 Avr - 14:16

Do you think Harry Potter is going to die at the end?
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Do you think Harry Potter is going to die at the end?
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